Building your own network has never been easier!
STEP 1: Free Assessment
Work with our team to review your current fax environment and understand how SENFUSE can benefit your environment.
STEP 2: Join the SENFUSE Network
Receive your SENFUSE pricing proposal with IN and OFF Network Rates. Upon acceptance join the network!
STEP 3: Review who your highest volume fax partners are
Work with SENFUSE to review your fax usage and identify what providers are currently in-network and which providers would benefit by joining the network.
STEP 4: SENFUSE Contacts the OFF Network healthcare providers
SENFUSE will contact those health care providers you work with that are not on the etherFAX network on your behalf. These providers will be provided preferred rates to join the network and create a SECURE and efficient healthcare transmission network.
Need more details? Contact us